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What is efficiency in Japan and Korea

Cancerworld published an article on the latest SPCC webinar on Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care – ‘What is efficiency in Japan and Korea’. Kazuo Tamura, Professor Emeritus at Fukuoka University,…

All.Can’s Policy Report: Harnessing data for better cancer care

On 27 May 2021, All.Can International launched its latest policy report Harnessing data for better cancer care. Click on the image to download the report. The report assesses the essential role…

All.Can welcomes new member – FOKUS Patient

All.Can International is pleased to announce that FOKUS Patient has recently joined the multistakeholder organisation. FOKUS Patient is a patient advocacy organisation based in Sweden. Its mission is to be a both…

All.Can contributes to the G20 Global Health Summit

On 21 April, All.Can participated in the G20 Global Health Summit Consultation with Civil Society Organisations on Sustainable Health Security Preparedness and Response. Following the meeting, All.Can submitted recommendations for…

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

All.Can International is pleased to announce that it has recently joined the  Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) as an associate member. Representing the world’s major cancer societies, ministries of…

All.Can joins the European Alliance for Value in Health

All.Can International is pleased to announce that it has recently joined the European Alliance for Value in Health (EAVH) as an affiliate partner. The European Alliance for Value in Health…

All.Can welcomes new member – Pancreatic Cancer Europe

All.Can International is pleased to announce that Pancreatic Cancer Europe (PCE) has recently joined the multistakeholder organisation. Pancreatic Cancer Europe is a European multi-stakeholder platform which aims at bringing together…

European Patients’ Rights Day – Tackling cancer care inefficiencies in Europe’s future

On the occasion of the 15th European Patients’ Rights Day, All.Can CEO Eduardo Pisani discussed inefficiencies in cancer care and what might come out of the Conference on the Future…

Register now: All.Can Global Summit, 27-28 May 2021

On 27 May from 15:00 to 17:15 (CEST), the All.Can Global Summit entitled ‘Improving efficiency in cancer care through multi-stakeholder collaboration’ will bring together the global cancer community to discuss,…