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Annual Report of the European Cancer Organisation

The Annual Report of the European Cancer Organisation (E.C.O.), member of All.Can International, is now available. During 2020, E.C.O. was determined not to allow the pandemic to slow down the…

Annual report “All.Can at 4” now available

All.Can’s annual report “All.Can at 4” is now available for download. The annual report of All.Can showcases the initiative’s achievements and milestones during its fourth year of existence, such as…

All.Can signs Joint Letter on COVID-19 and Cancer

On World Health Day, 7 April 2021, the European Cancer Patient Coalition, member of All.Can International, kicked off a global campaign on the Joint letter on COVID-19 and cancer and…

All.Can Germany Updates – April 2021

The past months have been rather eventful for the All.Can Germany office. Over a stretch of several weeks in autumn of 2020, All.Can Germany organized a total of seven expert…

All.Can Korea looks to invite relevant experts on psychological support for cancer patients to its forum

The Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea (MOHW) announced its ‘Comprehensive Plan for Cancer Management,’ which is published every 5 years with the goal to mitigate…

Infographic: What is efficient cancer care for All.Can?

Efficient cancer care delivers the best possible health outcomes using the human, financial, infrastructural and technological resources available, with a focus on what really matters to patients and society. We…

SPCC Webinar Series – 12 April: What is efficiency in cancer care in Australia

The next SPCC webinar taking place on 12 April 2021 will discuss “What is efficiency in cancer care in Australia”. Among the speakers will be Prof. Christobel Saunders of University…

New video: Harnessing data for better cancer care

As part of a research project examining the role of driving efficiency in cancer care, All.Can has launched a video on the importance of data to patients and clinicians, and…

Call for contributions to the Efficiency Hub

All.Can has launched a new campaign on social media, encouraging the cancer community to share examples of best practice in cancer care via the All.Can Efficiency Hub.
