All.Can Statement - Covid-19
As part of its continuing quest to create a hub of efficient cancer practices, All.Can has identified some practical solutions which could be repurposed to help hospital oncology staff adapt care practices in today’s rapidly changing and challenging circumstances.
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Rapid responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
The All.Can efficiency hub has published examples of innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of cancer care, ranging from child-friendly imaging machines and guidance for cancer survivors to rapid learning health systems and digital follow-up platforms.
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All.Can Belgium - Press release
Ensuring a rapid resumption of oncology care after the COVID-19 crisis:
All.Can Belgium commits to provide expertise and support to the Group of
Experts in charge of the Exit Strategy (GEES).

All.Can Canada COVID-19 Cancer Patient Support Hub
All.Can Canada brought together leading Canadian not-for-profit patient groups to create the COVID-19 Cancer Patient Support Hub in early May 2020.
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COVID-19 Resources on the ECCO Website
The European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) has assembled a list of COVID-19 resources, including a statement from its Board on the ongoing measures taken in Europe to manage the situation connected to the pandemic.
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COVID-19 Resources on the IBTA Website
The International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) has assembled a list of COVID-19 related resources for the International Brain Tumor Community.
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