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All.Can feedback on the EU Cancer Screening Recommendation update

See All.Can submission on the European Commission website. All.Can has submitted a response to the European Commission’s call for evidence to update the EU Cancer Screening Recommendation. The new EU…

World Cancer Day – Joined together, we all can “Close The Care Gap”

All.Can marks the World Cancer Day today as a proud member of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and in solidarity with the global cancer community. As this first…

Cancer World report “Efficiency in the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan”

Cancer World has published a report covering the last of our 2021 webinar series, ‘Spotlights on Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care’, co-organised with Sharing Progress in Cancer Care (SPCC) on …

Active Citizenship Network Publication ‘Insieme per l’oncologia del futuro’

All.Can member Cittadinanzattiva (Active Citizenship Network) recently published a document ‘Insieme per l’oncologia del futuro’ (‘Together for the oncology of the future’). Elaborated in collaboration with 60 experts representing professional…

Cancer World report “Examples of best practice from the All.Can Efficiency Hub”

Cancer World Magazine has published articles covering the two All.Can webinars presenting examples of best practice in improving the efficiency of cancer care from the All.Can Efficiency Hub. Jointly organised…

Australia’s first pan-cancer navigation model delivered by All.Can Australia research

New research developed by All.Can Australia in collaboration with research partner Healthcare Management Advisors (HMA) highlights the potential benefits of establishing Australia’s first pan-cancer navigation model. The All.Can Australia Cancer…

EAVH celebrates its first anniversary

The European Alliance for Value in Health (EAVH) is celebrating its first year as a joint effort to make value-based, sustainable, and people-centred health systems a reality in Europe. Connecting…

Sharing Progress in Cancer Care will hold its eleventh webinar of the seriesSpotlights on Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care on 15 December 2021 at 6PM CET. Four expert speakers will…

Global Bladder Cancer Patient Survey launched by WBCPC

The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition (WBCPC) launched the first-ever global bladder cancer patient experience survey. The survey represents a collaborative effort between the WBCPC and its 11 member organisations from…