All.Can member Cittadinanzattiva (Active Citizenship Network) recently published a document ‘Insieme per l’oncologia del futuro’ (‘Together for the oncology of the future’). Elaborated in collaboration with 60 experts representing professional societies and patient organisations, academia and research, public authorities, as well as the private sector, the paper provides a strategic vision on how to overcome territorial inequalities in the fight against cancer. At the center of the work stood the reflection on the pandemic situation and the emergencies arising from the suspension or cancellation of ordinary cancer treatments due to COVID-19.
Various proposals are illustrated in the document, including the following:
- screening and vaccination to take place in places closest to citizens;
- creation of cancer registries in all regions;
- building of a national innovation portal;
- promotion of the law on the right to be forgotten.
Click here to download the document (in Italian).