On 27 May from 15:00 to 17:15 (CEST), the All.Can Global Summit entitled ‘Improving efficiency in cancer care through multi-stakeholder collaboration’ will bring together the global cancer community to discuss, among other topics:
- How efficiency can be improved across the entire cancer continuum to deliver the best possible outcomes to patients
- What needs to be done to harness data for better cancer care
During the Summit, our new policy report, “Harnessing Data for Better Cancer Care”, will be launched, which showcases the importance of data in driving improved care for patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems overall, as well as the barriers currently hindering their full use in cancer care.
The external meeting of 27 May will be followed by members-only internal meetings on 28 May, taking place from 09:30 – 11:00 and from 16:30 to 18:00 (CEST) to accommodate different time zones.
Visit the All.Can Global Summit event page to view the full programme and register.