For the VIII time, the Summer Oncology Academy for Journalists was held, organized by the Dr. Maciej Hilgier Fundation. As part of a series of educational lectures for journalists on topics in the field of oncology, we had the opportunity to present our initiative and show how important and necessary it is to take into account indirect costs in the process of financing oncology therapies. All.Can Polska was represented by Szymon Chrostowski, Chairman of the Steering Group and Dr. Jakub Gierczyński, expert of the Institute of Healthcare Management at the Lazarski University, who presented the issue: “Effectiveness of health care – indirect costs and patient assessment”.
During the speech, Szymon Chrostowski called to look at the expenses in oncology through the prism of the state budget, and not only the budget of the Ministry of Health, then the expenditure on treatment becomes an investment, not a cost. Dr. Jakub Gierczyński, pointed out that indirect costs should be taken into account in decisions on the costs of treatment in oncology, because then you can see how profitable it is to invest in innovative therapies, thanks to which the patient has a chance not only for a longer life, but also return to professional and social activity, which translates into a reduction in expenses related to sick leave, disability pensions, patient care and others.
We encourage you to watch the entire lecture, which we received thanks to the courtesy of the LAO organizer – Dr. Maciej Hilgier Fundation.