On March 7th-8th, 2019, the IV Health Challenges Congress (HCC) took place. It is a forum for multi-threaded discussion on key issues for healthcare systems. Among the invited guests was also a representative of All.Can Poland!
As in previous years, the subject of the session – as the name of the congress was – concerned both therapeutic and organizational and financial challenges that must be met by decision-makers shaping healthcare systems in Poland and other countries.
About 60 sessions were held during the Congress in five main blocks of issues: Health Policy, Finance and Management, Therapies, New Technologies in Medicine and Education.
All.Can Poland was represented during the Congress by Szymon Chrostowski, who took part in the session organized on March 8th, entitled: Organization of oncological treatment – selected issues.
The session was an opportunity to recall the goals of the All.Can initiative and to present the conclusions of the report “Analysis and evaluation of time and prices for the processes of diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer and lung cancer before and after optimization”.