National Initiatives news
Webinar – Delivering accessible cancer care: Breaking down silos to drive better navigation
Ahead of World Cancer Day, All.Can Australia brought together Australia’s most prominent thought leaders to tackle the issues around cancer care navigation in Australia. Cancer outcomes in Australia are among…
All. Can Spain publishes its 1st Report, focused on improving the patient´s cancer care experience up until diagnosis
All.Can Spain has published its 1st report, focused on identifying the reasons why cancer patients feel sometimes lost within the system from the appearance of symptoms up until diagnosis…
All. Can Spain’s Scientific Committee creation and 1st meeting
In June 2022, was held the first meeting of the All.Can Spain Scientific Committee, which has elaborated throughout the year 2022 a report on the cancer patient experience, from suspicion…
All. Can Spain Constitution Ceremony: The international platform All. Can is consolidated in Spain to contribute to achieving improvements in the care policies for cancer patients
The All. Can Spain Constitution Act took place in May 2022. For the identification and definition of proposals, All. Can Spain has the support of some of the institutions that…
1st All.Can Informative Meeting in Spain
On the 5th of April took place the first All. Can Informative meeting in Spain, celebrated in the Royal Academy of Medicine. Representatives of the most prestigious medical, pharmaceutical, and…
All.Can Australia Limited: A new chapter begins for the initiative
Since the establishment of All.Can in Australia five years ago, the initiative has endeavoured to help all patients – regardless of their cancer type, demographic, or location – to navigate…
Parties urged to back broad cancer care navigation pilot in Tasmania
Advocacy group All.Can Australia is calling on both sides of federal politics to commit to funding the first pilot site for a national approach to cancer care navigation in Tasmania.…
All.Can Greece – 2021 Overview & 2022 Outlook
OVERVIEW 2021 During 2021, All.Can Greece, in close collaboration with Piraeus University and Athens University conducted two major white papers concerning: The delays in starting radiation therapy of cancer patients:…
Large Survey of Cancer Patients reflects the inefficiency in treating this disease in our country – ALL.CAN Colombia
The survey, carried out by All.Can Colombia, had a quantitative phase in which 800 patients participated and a qualitative phase where 40 in-depth interviews were conducted with doctors, caregivers,…