In June 2022, was held the first meeting of the All.Can Spain Scientific Committee, which has elaborated throughout the year 2022 a report on the cancer patient experience, from suspicion to diagnosis.
The All. Can Spain Scientific Committee is made up of Dr. Rafael López, President of the Foundation for Excellence and Quality in Oncology; Dr. Luis Paz-Ares, President of the Spanish Association for Cancer Research; Dr. Mariano Provencio, Academic of the Royal National Academy of Medicine; Dña. Guadalupe Fontán, Director of the Research Institute of the General Council of Nursing; Mr. Antonio Blanes, Director of Technical Services of the General Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists and Dr. Candela Calle, member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Health Managers. On the patient side, the Committee includes Mr. Roberto Saldaña, Director of Innovation and Citizen Participation of the European Patients’ Academy EUPATI; Mr. Enric Barba, Patient Advocate of the Melanoma Association Spain; and Mr. Bernard Gaspar, President of the Spanish Association of Lung Cancer Patients.