It is with great regret that All.Can has decided to discontinue the ICHOM–All.Can Improving Value in Cancer Care project, effective immediately. The study was reviewed jointly by ICHOM and All.Can and All.Can have concluded that it would not be possible to meet its objectives within the originally construed project structure.
The decision to discontinue this study was not taken lightly. This project allowed for foundational work to be conducted with participating hospitals, and to take the principles of value-based healthcare into practice.
There are some important lessons to be drawn from this learning phase of the study. It is important to draw from these lessons and All.Can will make every endeavour to share them with participating hospitals and the broader research community in the months to come, as well as bring them into any future work we lead.
All.Can remain deeply committed to ensuring that improvements to cancer care are driven by what matters most to patients – and measuring patient outcomes is the critical first step to enable this to happen. We would like to express our gratitude to all hospitals who participated in the learning phase of the Value in Cancer Care project and for their commitment to putting these principles into practice.