All.Can International acquired legal status as a not-for-profit organisation registered in Belgium in May 2020. Its robust governance structure guarantees its independence, transparency and multi-stakeholder engagement in the decision-making processes:
The decision-making function of All.Can is performed by the Board of Directors, while specific activities are overseen by Working Groups comprising All.Can international members. The work and activities are led by the CEO and supported by the international Secretariat.
Since May 2020, All.Can is led by an interim Board of Directors. It is now time to kick off the process for first official elections of the All.Can International Board of Directors. All.Can is looking for a balanced representation of its multi-stakeholder membership, and is encouraging all members to consider standing for election.
Please find all necessary details in the briefing document. We invite all members of All.Can International to read this document carefully and, if you wish to submit your application to stand for election, to proceed by completing this online form by 15 January 2021.
Voting will be open from 1 February to 12 March 2021. Outcome notifications will be sent at the end of March, and the Board of Directors will be endorsed by the General Assembly at its meeting in April/May 2021 (precise date still to be determined).
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the All.Can International Secretariat at secretariat@all-can.org.