All.Can features in the latest edition of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies’ quarterly publication, EuroHealth, calling for greater efficiency in cancer care through novel partnerships.
You can download the article here (p.36).
Improving efficiency to attain financial sustainability is a dominant topic in healthcare, particularly cancer. All.Can defines improving efficiency as achieving optimal outcomes for patients with the resources at hand; patients must be at the core of all decisions. This requires a whole-system vision. Cross-sector collaboration is key; multi-stakeholder initiatives will be increasingly important as the complexity of the cancer landscape evolves. Reliable data are essential, while technological advances offer enormous potential but need appropriate systemic infrastructure. Efficiency must not be viewed as an end in itself – what is crucial is how it improves outcomes for cancer patients in Europe.
The article was written by Suzanne Wait, Managing Director, The Health Policy Partnership; Kathy Oliver, Founding Co-Director and Chair, International Brain Tumour Alliance; Vivek Muthu, Director, Marivek Limited; Wendy Yared, Director, Association of European Cancer Leagues; Tit Albreht, Head of the Centre for Health Care, National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia; and Deepak Khanna, Senior Vice President and Regional President (EMEAC), MSD Oncology.
All.Can will be discussing this topic further at a European Health Forum Gastein session, ‘Making cancer care more efficient – what role can different stakeholders play?’ from 14.45 – 17.15 on 4 October in Forum 2.
Only by working together can we make the big changes necessary to transform cancer care for the future.
Together #WeAllCan.