All.Can CEO Eduardo Pisani has contributed to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) blog with an article highlighting the the vital role of data in making equitable access to high-quality care a reality for everyone affected by cancer. This is the first All.Can article featured on the blog since All.Can became an associate member of the UICC in May 2021.
You can read an excerpt below and find the full article here.
“Data are central to a learning healthcare system and to quality, innovation and efficiency. Indeed, harnessing high-quality data is key to enabling the unprecedented advancement occurring throughout the cancer care pathway. Innovations in data collection, analysis and use can help ensure that inefficiencies are systematically identified and remedied. This brings tremendous value to individual patients through more accurate diagnosis, personalised treatment and follow-up care. It also helps healthcare professionals better understand their patients’ needs and adapt care accordingly. At a system level, it can help improve care and identify which aspects of care benefit patients and health system efficiency the most.
However, as All.Can’s latest research project reveals, the implementation of data innovations in cancer care is still in its infancy and significant challenges remain. The main barriers to fully harnessing the potential of data include:
- data siloes
- a lack of interoperability
- unclear actionability of existing data
- complex data governance, and
- limited ability to re-use data for secondary purposes, such as research
Overcoming these challenges is integral to ensuring the sustainability of health systems and fostering patients’ access to high-quality care. These goals are especially pertinent in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and health system recovery.”