
All.Can Germany – Updates December 2021

Our highlights All.Can Germany is currently preparing for a meeting with a consortium of medical professionals and care providers actively engaged in improving cancer care in the rural town of…

All.Can Germany Updates – April 2021

The past months have been rather eventful for the All.Can Germany office. Over a stretch of several weeks in autumn of 2020, All.Can Germany organized a total of seven expert…

All.Can Germany updates – June 2020

Read about the latest updates from All.Can Germany: All.Can Germany is continuously expanding its steering committee and focusing on two main projects in 2020.

All.Can Germany regional pilot project

All.Can Germany provided an update on the latest development with regard to the regional oncological care pilot project.

All.Can Germany launches ten roadshow events to explore best practice

The All.Can national initiative in Germany is involved in planning a ‘roadshow’ – a series of events at ten locations across Germany.