
Understanding what patients value to improve care

Member blog by: Christobel Saunders, Professor of Surgery/Consultant Breast Surgeon, All.Can Australia, All.Can International.

Patient story: ‘I wanted to know what to expect’

This blog post features the experience of a patient from Belgium who told us the psychological support she was offered was too focused on solutions, while she wanted understanding and support. This post is part of the All.Can patient stories series.

Patient story: ‘My illness did not cost me’

This blog post features the experience of a patient from Belgium who told us he found having a care coordinator helped him to avoid delays. This post is part of the All.Can patient stories series.

Patient story: ‘This is the kind of support I needed’

This blog post features the experience of a patient from Italy who would have liked improved information about his care. This post is part of the All.Can patient stories series.

Patient story: ‘I really missed the emotional support after treatment’

This blog post features the experience of a patient from Belgium who felt her diagnosis should have been quicker and would have liked continued psychological support. This post is part of the All.Can patient stories series.

Patient story: ‘Now my health is the most important thing’

This blog post features the experience of a patient from Poland was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17. This post is part of the All.Can patient stories series.

Listening to patients: how the All.Can patient survey was created

Ahead of the 2018 European Health Forum, Gastein, Daniel Ratchford details Quality Health’s role in developing the All.Can patient survey.

Cancer nursing skills for changing times

Lena Sharp, President of the European Oncology Nursing Society, details the significance of the updated EONS Cancer Nursing Education Framework.

Palliative care: a right for all cancer patients

Suzanne Wait examines the need for making palliative care more available to patients at all stages of their treatment.