
Beating cancer in Europe together: the value of early detection technologies

By Miriam GargesiSenior Director Government Affairs, Illumina We have all lost family and friends to cancer. The statistics are staggering. Every year, cancer kills 10 million people around the world.…

Co-intelligence: Knowledge exchange overtaking competition to drive global cancer care progress

By Prof. Christobel Saunders,  All.Can Australia Steering Committee member, Prof. Surgical Oncology University of Western Australia and in-coming James Stewart Chair of Surgery Royal Melbourne Hospital We have all experienced…

Harnessing health data: An urgent priority for healthcare systems

By Dr Vivek Muthu, Director of Marivek Healthcare Consulting Ltd. In this blog, Dr Muthu makes the case for viewing data as an equally important resource compared to other innovations…

Taking forward recommendations from the All.Can Report, ‘Harnessing data for better cancer care’

By Christobel Saunders, Professor of Surgical Oncology, University of Western Australia Medical School In this blog, Prof Saunders outlines priority areas for action from the All.Can report findings, Harnessing data…

Progress in harnessing data for better cancer care: A European perspective

In this blog, Professor Kalra outlines the importance of using health data to drive better care and outcomes for patients. He provides a high-level overview of where we are to date across Europe in advancing the ‘data’ policy agenda; and what barriers still need to be overcome.

Policy News – 06/2021

Read here the policy news of June 2021:
– All.Can Global Summit
– All.Can publishes landmark data report
– European Parliament publishes briefing on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
– ECO launches the TimeToAct campaign 

All.Can’s definition of efficient cancer care: Behind the scenes

Author: Borna Ivan Müller, All.Can Public Affairs Working Group member and Access Policy Leader, Roche Why All.Can (re)defined efficiency? “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched…

Policy News – 04/2021

Read here the policy news of April 2021:
•BECA holds public hearing on screening and early detection
•IARC launches new data visualization tool for gastrointestinal cancers
•Improving cancer care through broader access to quality biomarker testing

Early diagnosis in oncology, a key to a more efficient healthcare system

Ma. Eugenia De la Fuente describes how the findings of the All.Can Argentina patient survey inspired actions towards shortening the time lag between first consultation and diagnosis for cancer patients in the country.