All.Can is proud to be a collaborating partner of the Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC), a joint action of the European Commission. We are involved in Work Package 8, ‘Challenges of cancer care’, which aims to define strategies to improve the quality of cancer care by optimising the use of healthcare resources and promoting realistic and evidence-based responses to existing needs.
We are working closely with the research team from the Azienda USL – IRCCS di Reggio Emilia (a local health authority research hospital in Reggio Emilia). Together with the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), they will be conducting a survey of cancer centres and other hospitals across Europe to gather examples of best practice on how they have improved the efficiency of cancer care.
The findings of the survey will form part of the All.Can international efficiency hub and will also be posted on the iPAAC website.