These tragic days, and months, have seen health and humanitarian crises impacting too many lives and urging all of us to be responsive and supportive of projects and initiatives which can contribute to help those in need.
As All.Can, we have decided to support the ECO-ASCO Special Network on the Impact of the War in Ukraine on Cancer which allows the international cancer community to join forces and to
- Create a community for sharing of intelligence, experience and contacts
- Provide an information hub of resources and links in national languages, signposting and amplifying work being done for Ukrainian patients
- Gather intelligence to inform our advocacy work on the issue with the WHO and EU
- Co-ordinate, communicate and connect organisations and people within the Network
- Evolve over time, identifying and addressing needs with other organisations.
This special network will be operating in coordination with the WHO and the EU Commission to avoid risks of overlaps.
If you are aware of initiatives and other work that would be helpful to share please get back to us and we will convey the information, or write directly to: ukraine@europeancancer.org.