All.Can Steering Committee member Kathy Oliver discussed interim findings from the All.Can patient survey at the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) 2018 European Cancer Summit in Vienna on 8 September.
As part of the ‘Improving efficiency in cancer care’ session, Kathy Oliver, who is founding Co-Director of the International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA), presented interim findings from the survey for the very first time. This first look at the All.Can patient survey will highlight core issues with existing cancer care as examined from the patient’s perspective.
The ECCO 2018 Summit is a unique multidisciplinary event, bringing together stakeholders from across the world including patient advocates, policymakers and healthcare professionals. This year’s Summit aimed to unite leading figures from across the European cancer to ensure ideas translate into policies that will impact daily clinical practice.
Experts who attended this year’s Summit will adopt resolutions for action on some of the most urgent policy concerns affecting quality cancer care in Europe: integration of cancer care, quality cancer care (measurement) and survivorship (financial discrimination). You can view the full programme here.
The All.Can patient survey closed on 17 August in the UK, and remains open until 31 October in the rest of the world. To take part, visit: http://patientsurvey.all-can.org