All.Can Switzerland has officially launched, joining other countries across Europe, Australia and Canada in developing a national All.Can initiative.
With the world’s second-highest level of healthcare spending, Switzerland faces a challenge to make healthcare more cost-effective. All.Can Switzerland is working to find ways to make cancer care more efficient and sustainable, primarily by focusing on patient needs and patient-reported outcomes.
The All.Can Switzerland working group is currently preparing the first All.Can board meeting and exploring potential projects that will launch later this year.
Working group member Daniel Widrig of Bristol-Myers Squibb said: ‘I see a huge opportunity in initiatives like All.Can where different players team up to make cancer care better. The inclusive approach, the enthusiasm and agility of this organisation sets the basis for a meaningful contribution to the healthcare system. I hope that further like-minded organisations will join our movement and help us in our vision to define solutions for sustainable cancer care with a strong focus on improved patient outcomes.’
All.Can Switzerland is actively seeking new members. For more information, please contact Switzerland@all-can.org