All.Can Switzerland has officially launched as a non-profit organisation with an event at the University of Zurich with nearly 100 stakeholders of the Swiss healthcare and policy system present. The program included an introductory interview with Titta Rosvall-Puplett from All.Can International. There was also a discussion with patients / patient organisations as well as presentations of all on-going projects supported by All.Can Switzerland, concluding with a panel discussion with different stakeholders. Top key opinion leaders and stakeholders in the Swiss cancer and global health environment came together to discuss how to improve cancer care in Switzerland and beyond.
Over the past 18 months, All.Can Switzerland’s membership has grown to include seven fully engaged members. All.Can Switzerland so far has initiated four projects – all focused on the broader vision to make Swiss cancer care more patient centric, efficient and sustainable. All.Can Switzerland is the first All.Can national initiative to obtain legal status of a non-profit organisation.
For more information, please take a look at our homepage https://allcan-schweiz.ch/ (available in German and French).