All.Can Italy has officially launched, unveiling its aims and ambitions at a press conference in Rome on 19 February 2019.
The coalition’s spokesperson, Emilia Grazia De Biasi, a former Head of the Health Committee at the Italian Senate, emphasised the scope of All.Can Italy. This includes turning solid evidence into policy proposals to solve inefficiencies along the cancer patient journey. Antonella Cardone, Director of the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) and a member of All.Can international’s Research and evidence working group, then recalled that almost 20% of resources are wasted each year on inefficient practices.
Other panellists highlighted the multiple perspectives that will dictate the Italian platform. Professor Gianni Amunni, Vice-President of Periplo – an association of regional oncology networks – highlighted the role of multidisciplinary organisational models. Professor Paolo Marchetti, Head of the Oncology Department at the Umberto I hospital in Rome, pointed to the need to realign costs for the same services across regions.