On 22 July 2020, All.Can Italy hosted a webinar to discuss the ‘proximity oncology’ model. A large number of stakeholders participated in the event, such as Domenico Crisarà, Deputy Secretary of the General Practitioners Association; Barbara Mangiacavalli, President of the National Nurses Association; Tiziana Frittelli, President of the Federation that associates the Public Local Health Units, the Public Hospital Trustees and the Italian Municipalities; Gianni Amunni, DG of the Institute for the study, prevention and oncological network; Mattia Altini, Health Director of the AUSL of Romagna and President of the Italian Society of Leadership and Management in Medicine.
The ‘proximity oncology’ model is based on a full integration between the levels of care (home care, general medicine, hospital specialist care), as defined by the experience of the integrated care pathways and oncology networks on how to manage the new governance and redistribute the care settings on the territory on the basis of constant monitoring of the value of each service, in a perspective entirely focused on the patient.
Here is the link to the recording.