In 2020 the All.Can Denmark network was relaunched and new strong members within the field of cancer were included. The network met twice and initiated the work which in will be focusing on early diagnosis and equal access to cancer treatment in Denmark.
All.Can Denmark hosted two digital innovation meetings in November and December during which broad groups of central stakeholders – hospital managers, political actors, payers, interest organizations and relevant physicians – discussed and qualified the ongoing focus on early diagnosis in Denmark and provided valuable insights to the network.
In March 2021, the Danish Center for Social Science Research will publish a new extensive report about diagnosing cancer outside the fast-track cancer referral programmes in Denmark, which has been conducted in collaboration with All.Can Denmark
On 15 April, All.Can Denmark will host a big national, digital conference: “Cancer Summit: From symptom to diagnosis – how can we create the best course of treatment for cancer patients in Denmark?”. Transmitted and live-streamed directly from the Danish Parliament, the summit’s purpose is to present the work of All.Can Denmark and create further awareness of the networks’ efforts. Central stakeholders such as the President of Danish Regions, Stephanie Lose, and the Danish Cancer Association CEO, Jesper Fisker, will participate in the summit’s events along with many others.