All.Can Colombia, officially established in early 2021, consolidated during the first quarter of 2021. As the second national initiative in the Latin American region, All.Can Colombia emerges with a robust stakeholder coalition composed of representatives of patient organisations, medical-scientific associations and universities.
No similar coalition that regroups different stakeholders and leaders in the area of cancer exists in Colombia. When it comes to the representation of scientific societies, the Association of Oncological Nurses of Colombia and the Colombian Association of Hematology and Oncology (ACHO) are involved. Patients are represented by the Inter-Institutional Observatory for Adult Cancer (OICA), the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation, the Vital Return Foundation and the RASA Foundation. In addition, ACHO -the leading oncology medical association – also plays a role as technical validator for the first major activity of the coalition: a large patient survey, which will be the starting point for the upcoming strategies of All.Can Colombia.