All.Can Colombia has been consolidating as a multi-sector initiative, with allies such as patient associations, academia, medical-scientific societies and pharmaceutical companies. Thus, the implementation of activities aimed at fulfilling the mission and vision shared globally by all All.Can national initiatives has already begun. In this direction, last Wednesday, November 24, All.Can Colombia held a forum that contributed to the opening of spaces to generate discussion on efficiency in Cancer taking into account the framework of the formulation of the Ten-Year Public Health Plan – PDSP- (2022-2031), public policy that will show the route that the health system will follow in the next 10 years.
The meeting began with welcoming remarks by Catalina Rincon, Executive Director of the Inter-institutional Observatory of Adult Cancer (OICA), who recalled the importance of continuing to work on differentiated comprehensive care and the relevance of the topic presented at the Forum in Colombia. Subsequently, Professor Manuel Garcia, from the Complutense University of Madrid, shared from the international perspective what he referred as efficiency from a more general health perspective where he stressed the importance of a sustainable, cost-effective and integrated health system.
Finally, a panel was held in which government members participated, such as the PDSP Manager, patient associations, universities and the scientific community of Colombia. This space made it possible to discuss cancer efficiency in the PDSP, from the experience of each one, ensuring the great importance of opinions, thanks to the multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial perspective of the participants.
This event was attended virtually by more than 130 cancer experts and stakeholders and brought to the table this new approach to oncology, considered innovative in the country. This is the first step to start working on All.Can’s definition of efficiency in cancer, with the aim of improving patient care, diagnosis and treatment, which must be adequately guaranteed by the healthcare system. In this sense, we are working on additional initiatives that will allow us to consolidate this objective, such as the elaboration of a paper on cancer efficiency and the Great Patient Survey. Both products will be published soon in Colombia and will be accessible anywhere in the world. This will allow us to further consolidate the issue of efficiency as a relevant topic at the national level in the field of oncological health. It is hoped that this will open up future discussion scenarios as this one and promote greater interaction between national initiatives and the international secretariat of All.Can.