All.Can Canada hosted their second multi-stakeholder roundtable on November 29, 2021, bringing together cancer diagnosis stakeholders from across Canada to review the findings and recommendations from All.Can Canada’s ‘Optimizing Diagnosis in Canadian Cancer Care‘ research report.
The report shares the results of an environmental scan conducted to understand the current state of the cancer diagnosis experience in Canada. Specifically, this included identifying outcomes that matter most to patients, reviewing promising practices in cancer diagnosis, and exploring areas of inefficiency in the cancer diagnosis process that represent opportunities for improvement.
The purpose of the November 29th meeting was to gain insights from key stakeholders on opportunities to advance the recommendations in the report and move towards an improved future state in cancer diagnosis using the results of All.Can Canada’s research, as well as to develop and further relationships with stakeholders relevant to the findings of this research.
A Report Back of the Roundtable can be found HERE.
All.Can Canada will be publishing the full ‘Optimizing Diagnosis in Canadian Cancer Care’ report in early 2022.