After a very busy and exciting year 2021, All.Can Austria is ready to take new steps towards becoming one of the major stakeholders in the Austrian cancer field.
During 2021 the Austrian National Initiative set up and decided on a new strategy paper and terms of reference, which enabled to focus on the most important goals.
All.Can Austria website set up its own website and elected a new steering committee, consisting of representatives from different areas in the cancer field: patient organisations, medical staff, science, industry and media.
Furthermore, All.Can Austria has taken first steps to conduct a patient survey among cancer patients in Austria, similar to the surveys that have already been carried out by All.Can International and other National Initiatives. In a long and intense consultation process between different All.Can Austria members and the selected market research institute, the goals and target groups of the survey, as well as the specific questionnaire have been discussed and agreed upon.
At the end of 2021 All.Can Austria made its first public appearance at a press conference, during which All.Can Austria, as well as a tumor board study, conducted by two members, were presented.
For the upcoming year 2022 the National Initiative is aiming to progress with several projects have already been started.
By the end of Q1 the results from the patient survey are expected, and it is planned to host another press conference to present the outcomes to the interested public.
In Q2 All.Can Austria will organise an Open Space event at which all important Austrian cancer stakeholders will come together to discuss the most needed measures to improve cancer care for patients in the country.
In addition, the All.Can National Initiative will try to attract new stakeholders and be present in the public eye when it comes to external events, such as the World Cancer Day on 4 February.