All.Can Australia has launched the results of the national-level findings from the All.Can international patient survey.
A total of 850 respondents participated in the Australian survey. Some of the key findings from the data include:
- Delays in initial diagnosis and managing ongoing side effects were identified by respondents as the biggest causes of inefficiency.
- One in eight respondents (12%) whose cancer was detected outside of a screening programme waited over six months to be diagnosed.
- 50% of respondents reported not receiving enough support to deal with ongoing symptoms and side effects during and after treatment.
- 41% of respondents reported not receiving enough understandable information about the signs and symptoms indicating that their cancer might be returning or getting worse.
Richard Vines, Chief Executive Officer of Rare Cancers Australia and Co-Chair of the All.Can Australia Steering Committee, said that insisting on improving patient outcomes and maximising the resources we commit to cancer care is crucial to driving better patient experiences in the longer term.
‘Systemic wastage in cancer care is in no patient’s interest. This survey data helps us understand where the gaps are according to patients and health system stakeholders. We can use these findings to help identify efficient solutions which provide the most benefit to patients,’ said Mr Vines.
‘Our Steering Committee will be building future initiatives taking into consideration the key areas identified by this research. If we are able to connect with key players in our health system to address these common patient pain points, we may be able to drive greater efficiencies and better outcomes for patients.’
All.Can Australia will leverage the international and national research findings to undertake work that will address specific areas of inefficiency.
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Click to read more about the All.Can patient survey or All.Can Australia.