Considering the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on cancer care, the All.Can Greece platform submitted to the Greek Ministry of Health and the Greek National Health Service Organization (EOPYY) in April 2020 practical policy recommendations to facilitate access to cancer care and limit the exposure of cancer patients to the risk of infection.
The submission highlighted the need for adaptation of procedures and establishment of measures that will ensure the continuity of oncological care for all cancer patients during these extremely strenuous times both for patients and hospital staff.
Stressing the increased risk of severe illness/infection from COVID-19 that cancer patients undergo as a result of their overall health condition, the effects of cancer treatment and their vulnerability to infections, the All.Can Greece platform called on the Ministry of Health and the Greek government to adjust the measures taken to assure that cancer care is provided in a proper and efficient way that will secure:
- that cancer care should be provided by medical/nursing personnel, not involved in Covid-19 care and treatment,
- the continuity of all treatments for cancer patients,
- the widespread use of e-prescriptions,
- the execution of planned cancer surgery operations,
- the possibility to plan all necessary and essential kinds of cancer care modalities in hospitals in flexible way that will assure both patients and medical personnel’s safety,
- the spatial rearrangement of hospitals and clinics to avoid overcrowding and the contact of cancer patients with Covid-19 patients.
The All.Can Steering Committee expressed its willingness to contribute to the public consultation concerning Covid-19 and the health care system and to provide any recommendation that may be needed to the relevant stakeholders.