All.Can Greece organized a scientific webinar on 8 December 2022 entitled “Patients on the frontline of cancer research”.
The webinar’s target was to inform, sensitize and motivate cancer patients, health professionals, policymakers and the public on the significance of cancer patients’ participation in cancer research as well as the importance of the equal and unrestricted access to innovative state-of-the-art tech therapies.
More specifically, the webinar comprised lectures concerning:
-The importance of cancer patients’ participation in cancer care research & oncological surveys
-The importance of cancer patients’ access to innovative state-of-the-art tech therapies
-The imminent All.Can Greece survey on the quality of cancer patients in Greece, which is currently implemented by All.Can Greece platform.
Moreover, it aimed to promote the participation of cancer patients in cancer care surveys in general and to present policy recommendations that will enhance the improvement of personalized and patient-centered cancer care and treatment.
Read more details (in Greek) about the webinar here: https://bit.ly/3EI98DE