About All.Can Mexico

All.Can was established in Mexico on 2022.  The Mexican Health Foundation (FUNSALUD) was chosen as Secretariat for the initiative. FUNSALUD is a think tank and contact point for researchers, patient associations, health professionals, and funding members who participate in All.Can.

The initiative seeks to provide stakeholders within the health sector a place to find support and create synergies that have direct and positive impact in the cancer-care continuum.

All.Can Mexico’s mission is to improve efficiency within the cancer-care continuum by using the economic, technologic, human and infrastructure resources already available, focusing on what is most important for patients, their caregivers and society.

Cancer Care in Mexico

Cancer is the third leading cause of death in Mexico. Over 195,000 new cases were registered in 2020.  Breast (29.929), prostate (26.742), thyroid (11,227), colon (11,191), and cervical cancer (9,439) were among those with the highest prevalence.

In that same year, the number of deaths in the country reached 90,222 cases. Meanwhile the death rate from malignant tumors increased in the last decade, going from 6.1 deaths for every 10 thousand people in 2010, to 7.1 each for every 10 thousand in 2020.

The cities with the highest death rate registered for this disease are Mexico City, Sonora, Chihuahua, Morelos, Veracruz and Colima. Breast cancer has the highest mortality rate nationwide with an 8% rate among Mexican patients [4], followed by prostate, liver, lung, and stomach cancer.

Given this scenario, the Mexico chapter of All.Can aims to create an impartial and democratic space so that every key actor can improve the lives of patients by placing them at the center of the equation.


  1. International Agency for Research on Cancer. Globocan Mexico 2020. Available here: https://gco.iarc.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/484-mexico-fact-sheets.pdf [accessed: June 2022]
  2. INEGI, Estadísticas a propósito del Día Mundial del Cáncer. Available here: https://www.inegi.org.mx/app/saladeprensa/noticia.html?id=7154 [accessed: June 2022]
  3. INEGI, Estadísticas a propósito del Día Mundial de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer de mamá, 2021. Available here: https://www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/saladeprensa/aproposito/2021/EAP_LUCHACANCER2021.pdf [accessed: June 2022]


Fundación Mexicana para la Salud


Héctor Valle, Dr. Eduardo Lazcano, Kenji López and Cristobal Thompson, members of the Steering Committee, welcomed the All.Can Initiative to México. 

On July 31st 2022, Héctor Valle, CEO of the Mexican Health Foundation (FUNSALUD) welcomed the All.Can National Initiative. After delivering a few words regarding the initiative’s main goals in the country, Héctor yielded the microphone to Dr. Mariana Barraza, a recognized economist specializing in health matters. Dr. Barraza presented the findings of the academic study titled “Cancer Mortality tendencies in México”. This publishing is the first delivery from the Mexican initiative, which started working on December 2021. Dr. Barraza stressed that in the last decade some cancer mortality tendencies have considerably diminished, such as breast and cervix, but others have had dramatic increases, such as lung and rectal cancer.

These results serve as the foundation upon which All.Can Mexico can identify urgent necessities in the country regarding cancer-care efficiency.

You may find the key findings of the study in the link below:

Lanzamiento AllCan Tendencias Mort vFF 300622

All.Can Mexico hosted its first member’s meeting

On June 8th All.Can Mexico hosted its first member’s meeting. The Secretariat welcomed the 37 stakeholders that have joined the initiative, and established the key milestones to be achieved in 2022.


Join us at the Public Launch of the All.Can Mexico Initiative

On June 30th at 9:00 am GMT-5, All.Can Mexico will host the public launch of the initiative at the National Medicine Academy. Héctor Valle, chief executive officer of FUNSALUD, All.Can Mexico’s secretariat, will welcome the attendees and review the key milestones of the initiative for 2022. The members of the steering committee: Dr. Eduardo Lazcano (general director of the National Institute of Public Health (INSP)), Cristobal Thompson (executive director of the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries), and Kenji Lopez (founder and president of Cancer Warriors of Mexico) will direct a few words to the members of the coalition. Finally, Mariana Barraza, founding partner of Blutitude Consultants, will present the results of the study “Cancer Mortality Tendencies in Mexico”.

Join us vía zoom, at the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88035648719


On July 31st 2022, Héctor Valle, CEO of the Mexican Health Foundation (FUNSALUD) welcomed the All.Can National Initiative. After delivering a few words regarding the initiative’s main goals in the country, Héctor yielded the microphone to Dr. Mariana Barraza, a recognized economist specializing in health matters. Dr. Barraza presented the findings of the academic study titled “Cancer Mortality tendencies in México”. This publishing is the first delivery from the Mexican initiative, which started working on December 2021. Dr. Barraza stressed that in the last decade some cancer mortality tendencies have considerably diminished, such as breast and cervix, but others have had dramatic increases, such as lung and rectal cancer.

These results serve as the foundation upon which All.Can Mexico can identify urgent necessities in the country regarding cancer-care efficiency.

You may find the key findings of the study in the link below:

Lanzamiento AllCan Tendencias Mort vFF 300622