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Q. What is the discount offer available on Yoga Studio Store?
A. Currently there is a discount offer of whopping 50% on selected items. Need to visit the site to get more details on the discount offers and grab the offer.
Q. Is there any other discount offers currently available?
A. There is a discount offer on many of the products ranging from 20% to 50%. One needs to visit the site to get more details on the same.
Q. Is there any option to get the referrals done?
A. One would get a discount of 10% on refereeing to the loved ones.
Q. Is there any discount offers for registering of the Yoga teachers?
A. One needs to register to the site and then needs to upload the Yoga certificate on the site. Post which verification would be done and the team would get back with the discount offer available exclusive for the yoga teachers.
Q. What are the shipping charges for the products that are bought on the site?
A. All the standard shipping is free of cost if the total value of the bill is above £30.
Q. What is the offer of registering to Yoga Studio Store?
A. By registering to the site one would get an updated related to the new launches and insider discount offers that are provided only to the valuable customers.